Zlecenie 6832840 - Realizacja usługi - next generation sequencing of RNA, nr...

Zamówienie 6832840 (zakończone)
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data publikacji 2019-06-13
przedmiot zlecenia
Realizacja usługi - next generation sequencing of RNA, nr zapytania 13 06 2019 C

Next generation sequencing of RNA Cel zamówien
ia Celem zamówienia jest przeprowadzenie usługi next generation sequencing of RNA, niezbędnej do realizacji projektu pn. "Rozwój innowacyjnej spersonalizowanej terapii nowotworów litych". Przedmiot zamówienia A. QC of RNA purified from mouse or human tissues. In the quote for this service, the contractor should provide the amount of RNA (to be provided by the ordering party), the required purity sufficient for downstream applications and the recommended purification and clean-up method, instruction of shipping. Upon request contractor will ship back RNA left-over to Selvita at the expense of Selvita.
B. Library construction for stranded libraries and library QC. Library based on oligo-dT beads capture polyA tails compatible with mouse or human transcriptome, required amount of total RNA does not exceed 1 ug. Library must be compatible with sequencing equipment.
C. Sequencing up to 30M (at least 25M) reads per sample, 2x75-150bp.
D. Data QC and providing data to Selvita SA on a secure drive supplied by Contractor and with the link to the server for immediate download.

Upon completion of each item, the Contractor will contact Ordering party and inform about results of QC check. Only samples with sufficient library quality will be sequenced unless decided otherwise by the Ordering Party.
It is mandatory for the potential supplier to provide a quality certificate from the provider of sequencing equipment on Ordering Party demand.

Estimated amount of samples: 50 samples (±50%)
branża Laboratoria
podbranża usługi laboratoryjne
kody CPV 73110000
forma zapytanie ofertowe
typ zlecenia usługi, wykonanie
kraj realizacji Polska
województwo realizacji Małopolskie
kraj organizatora Polska
województwo organizatora Małopolskie

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