Przetarg 4283941 - 776 Supply and Maintenance of an Integrated Facilities...

Analizuj Zamówienie 4283941
źródło Biuletyn Unijnych Zamówień Publicznych (TED)
data publikacji 2016-04-20
przedmiot ogłoszenia
776 Supply and Maintenance of an Integrated Facilities Management System and Associated Support Services.
Nottingham Trent University require an Integrated Facilities Management System that
can be used to effectively manage our large and diverse estate. The solution will support the delivery of a proactive facilities management service that ensures the quality of the estate meets student expectations.The University is looking to purchase an established solution that incorporates best practice from previous implementations, and are seeking to implement the solution over a number of phases to cover the following areas:— Phase 1 — Property and space management, self-service portal, reactive maintenance, student feedback;— Phase 2 — As-built drawing management, M&E asset information, asbestos management;— Phase 3 — Hospitality orders, security and operations requests.Please see Tender documents for further details.
branża Komputery, informatyka, technika biurowa
podbranża oprogramowanie komputerowe
kody CPV 48420000
forma przetarg nieograniczony
typ ogłoszenia usługi, wykonanie
kraj realizacji Wielka Brytania
województwo realizacji
kraj organizatora Wielka Brytania
województwo organizatora

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