Przetarg 4627281 - Arts University Bournemouth — Merchant Services. This...

Analizuj Zamówienie 4627281
źródło Biuletyn Unijnych Zamówień Publicznych (TED)
data publikacji 2016-10-06
przedmiot ogłoszenia
Arts University Bournemouth — Merchant Services.
This tender is for the provision of Merchant Services for processing, authorisation and settlement of the University's debit and credit trans
actions via all payment channels including: customer present (Chip and PIN), customer not present (Mail Order / Telephone Order) and online (e-commerce). AUB is seeking to develop efficient and cost-effective merchant service agreements which will be capable of meeting future market and technological changes, and which will meet, and often exceed, user expectations. We are looking for a good relationship with an organisation which we can be confident will fulfil all current and future requirements.
branża Finanse - bankowość
podbranża usługi bankowe
kody CPV 66111000, 66133000, 66151000
forma przetarg nieograniczony
typ ogłoszenia usługi, wykonanie
kraj realizacji Wielka Brytania
województwo realizacji
kraj organizatora Wielka Brytania
województwo organizatora

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