Zlecenie - Zakup i sukcesywna dostawa węży/ Purchase and successive...

Zamówienie 5396417 (zakończone)
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data publikacji 2017-08-21
przedmiot zlecenia
Zakup i sukcesywna dostawa węży/ Purchase and successive delivery of tubes
Numer ogłoszenia 1050646

Miejsce realizacji zamówie
Województwo: pomorskie Powiat: Gdańsk Miejscowość: Gdańsk

Cel zamówienia
Kontynuacja badań w ramach Projektu „Opracowanie innowacyjnej technologii wytwarzania przeciwciała monoklonalnego stosowanego w terapii stwardnienia rozsianego.” Działania 1.1 „Projekty B+R przedsiębiorstw” w ramach I Osi priorytetowej: „Wsparcie prowadzenia prac B+R przez przedsiębiorstwa” Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój, 2014 – 2020./
Purpose of the order: Aim of the Continuation of studies in the framework of the project „The development of innovative technology for producing monoclonal antibody for the treatment of multiple sclerosis” Action 1.1 “R&D Projects” within I priority axis: “Support for R&D works by the enterprises” Operational programme Smart Development, 2014-2020.

Przedmiot zamówienia
1. Silicone Tube with extremely high purity and very low leaching of bi-products, smooth surfaces, autoclavable. For use in the bioprocess industry sector where reduced bacterial growth is required. Contains no phthalate plasticizers associated with other types of tubing and is manufactured totally free from animal derived components. Silicone Rubber Tubing has to be biocompatible to the ISO 10993 standard and meets fully USP Class VI, FDA, NSF and European Pharmacopoeia criteria. Other featuers: None yellowing, free from cross linker by-products, free from PCB’s (Poly Chlorinated Biphenyls), very tight surface cure, no impairment of odour or taste, dry and non-sticky surface finish. ID: 6,4 mm OD: 12,8 mm. One pack contains 25 m of tubing. - ILOŚĆ CAŁKOWITA: 10 opakowań/ - TOTAL QUANTITY: 10 packs.
2. Silicone Tube with extremely high purity and very low leaching of bi-products, smooth surfaces, autoclavable. For use in the bioprocess industry sector where reduced bacterial growth is required. Contains no phthalate plasticizers associated with other types of tubing and is manufactured totally free from animal derived components. Silicone Rubber Tubing has to be biocompatible to the ISO 10993 standard and meets fully USP Class VI, FDA, NSF and European Pharmacopoeia criteria. Other featuers: None yellowing, free from cross linker by-products, free from PCB’s (Poly Chlorinated Biphenyls), very tight surface cure, no impairment of odour or taste, dry and non-sticky surface finish. ID: 3/8” OD: 5/8”. One pack contains 25 m of tubing. - ILOŚĆ CAŁKOWITA: 10 opakowań/ - TOTAL QUANTITY: 10 packs.
3. Silicone Tube with extremely high purity and very low leaching of bi-products, smooth surfaces, autoclavable. For use in the bioprocess industry sector where reduced bacterial growth is required. Contains no phthalate plasticizers associated with other types of tubing and is manufactured totally free from animal derived components. Silicone Rubber Tubing has to be biocompatible to the ISO 10993 standard and meets fully USP Class VI, FDA, NSF and European Pharmacopoeia criteria. Other featuers: None yellowing, free from cross linker by-products, free from PCB’s (Poly Chlorinated Biphenyls), very tight surface cure, no impairment of odour or taste, dry and non-sticky surface finish. ID: 6,4 mm OD: 12,8 mm. One pack contains 25 m of tubing. - ILOŚĆ CAŁKOWITA: 4 opakowania/ - TOTAL QUANTITY: 4 packs.

Termin ważności produktów: nie krótszy niż 80% całkowitego terminu ważności produktów./
Expiry date of products: not less than 80 % of the total expiry date of products.

Kupujący dopuszcza inne wielkości opakowań niż wskazano w specyfikacji./
The buyer allows for other sizes of packaging than indicated in the specification.

Wymagane dokumenty: certyfikat jakości./
Required documentation: quality certificate.

Skrócony opis przedmiotu zamówienia
1. Silicone Tube, ID: 6,4 mm OD: 12,8 mm
2. Silicone Tube, ID: 3/8" OD: 5/8"
3. Silicone Tube, ID: 1/2" OD: 6/8"
branża Laboratoria
podbranża materiały laboratoryjne
kody CPV 44165100
forma zapytanie ofertowe
typ zlecenia dostawy
kraj realizacji Polska
województwo realizacji Pomorskie
kraj organizatora Polska
województwo organizatora Pomorskie

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