Zlecenie 7147346 - Zapytanie ofertowe 08 11 2019 D - usługa: Langendorff...

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Zapytanie ofertowe 08 11 2019 D - usługa: Langendorff isolated perfused heart assay

Langendorff isolated perfused heart assay C
el zamówienia Celem zamówienia jest realizacja usługi służącej do realizacji badań w projekcie pt. "Nowa generacja immunoterapii nowotworów oparta o aktywację odpowiedzi immunologicznej pacjentów" Przedmiot zamówienia Langendorff isolated perfused heart assay
• Study model: guinea-pig or rat hearts. Prices should be given separately for both species.
• 6 control preparations per study and 6 test preparations for each assay concentration
• 4 concentrations per test compound
• Include positive control
• Measured parameters:
1) Coronary flow (mL/min)
2) Left ventricular pressure parameters:
• Developed pressure: maximal systolic pressure – minimal diastolic pressure (mmHg),
• Max dP/dt: maximal contraction velocity (mmHg/sec),
• Min dP/dt: maximal relaxation velocity (mmHg/sec),
• Heart rate: calculated from ventricular contractions (beats/min)
3) ECG parameters: PR, QRS, RR and QT interval (ms), QTc intervals
• Final report includes methodology, raw data, graphs (if necessary) and interpretation and should be ready within 4 weeks since experimental phase completion.

Estimated amount of assays: 7 (+/- 50%)

Please provide a quote for a single study (control, positive control and test groups) in guinea pig and in rat hearts.
Contractor should declare the possibility to perform 7 assays (on guinea-pig and/or rat hearts) within 18 months.
Please provide a turnaround time from the study ordering till experimental part completion and from experimental part completion until the final report availability.
branża Laboratoria
podbranża usługi laboratoryjne
kody CPV 73000000
forma zapytanie ofertowe
typ zlecenia usługi, wykonanie
kraj realizacji Polska
województwo realizacji Małopolskie
kraj organizatora Polska
województwo organizatora Małopolskie

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